Angel vs Devil

How to Make a Decision – Part 2

By the end of March 2012 I was fully distracted by my want / need to do more travel and to learn Spanish.  I had begun talking about traveling to the Galapagos Islands to volunteer and study Spanish. I had started researching organizations and schools. Just putting the feelers out, but I was still completely put in my place by my negative self-talk about it not being the right thing to do. How could I leave my business? Where would I get the money?

I started dropping hints to my mom by phone that I was interested in going away to study Spanish, but having not made any commitments, I didn’t have time frame or details, so just dropping hints! I just didn’t want to spring the whole idea of going away for an extended period of time on my parents out of the blue.

By mid-April I was packing up and heading off on my next little adventure to the Dominican Republic to photograph a destination wedding in Punta Cana. I expected the trip to be wonderful from a wedding stand point, but relatively boring from an adventure stand point. I was booked at a lovely resort, The Majestic Colonial and wouldn’t be spending much time off resort as I would be busy working. I had also promised myself to take some down time and relax by the pool or on the beach rather than packing my time full of activities. The trip turned out a little more adventurous than expected. You can check out my blog posts here for details on the fire and reminders about seeing things through other people’s eyes.

After yet another adventure in the beginning of 2012, I was addicted to travel. You could almost call me an adrenaline junkie wanna-be! ha ha ha I’m simply addicted to the adventure, but not specifically to anything that makes my heart race. In fact, I’m happy to have my heart just beat at a regular pace and keep me alive for my mild adventures!

So, after realizing that I wasn’t living the life that I wanted and becoming addicted to travel, just what would my next adventure be?

In trying to make this decision, I looked at my current life, my business and what I love. I struggled for weeks, talking to friends and colleagues about the option of going away to learn Spanish. In the end, I think what really made my decision final was that I felt the stars had aligned for the 2012 year. For the first time since starting my business in 2003, I did not have any weddings booked for the summer of 2012. For the first time, I would not be working most of my weekends throughout the summer. For the first time in nine years, this also meant I didn’t have a guaranteed $20 000 income from the summer / fall. Yikes!

I struggled a lot with this (specifically the lack of financial security)! First I started panicking and trying to drum up wedding business for this summer. As I was posting on social media, looking for couples for this summer, my heart wasn’t really in it. I felt like I was defeated because I wasn’t booked a year in advance like I had been in the past. Part of me felt like I had failed or that I wasn’t in demand any more. Then I realized that I was working against myself and fighting my own expectations. For the past year and a half I had been focused on building my corporate photography business (a purposeful decision) and had purposely stopped marketing for wedding business. It took me a couple of weeks to really get my head around it, but my business had gone exactly where I had led it. I can even remember talking to my sister and saying ‘Ok. I think I’m ok with this. I think this is just the time that I am supposed to move forward and stop marketing for weddings.’ This is what I had been working on for the past year and it just took me some time to realize I was ok with what I had set out to do.  I hadn’t failed at all, in fact, I had been successful! I was now in a position where my corporate photography was the mainstay of my business and I was no longer reliant on weddings. So, why would I try to go backwards and drum up the wedding business that I had been working to minimize? Well, because weddings were my safety zone. My guaranteed income. hmmmmm …. could I survive without them? I didn’t know and I still don’t know for sure, but I decided to look at this from another angle! Seemingly all of a sudden, I have an entire summer with no pre-bookings. Scary from a financial stand point, fantastic from a personal stand point! What could I possibly do with this new found summer freedom that I had actually intentionally created for myself by making a conscious decision to focus on corporate clients instead of weddings? Funny how when you set a goal and achieve it that sometimes you forget your purpose along the way!

So, here I am, with no concrete plans for the summer, no weddings to photograph, a desire to travel, time to do so but no money, at a place in my life where I’m confused and trying to decide how to move my business forward and even contemplating if I want to continue running my own business.

So, what did I do? I made a decision to stop worrying about everything because it is a waste of perfectly good brain power and I made the decision that I would step out of my business this summer to go do something for ME. What a concept! Taking care of myself and doing something for no one else, just me. I made the decision to study Spanish (period). I hadn’t made any choices on where or how long or how I was going to make it happen, but I had been dreaming of learning Spanish and doing a home stay since 2009. Once I made the decision I felt alive. Suddenly my self-talk changed from ‘you can’t do this’ to ‘what’s the next step?’. It changed from ‘I’m tired and I’m overwhelmed’ to ‘I can’t wait. Let’s get started. How am I going to make this the best summer ever?’

Negativity still creeps in though. It is like the devil vs angel sitting on my shoulder …

Devil: YIKES! Maybe this is going to be too difficult … are you sure you want to do this?

I was already overwhelmed with business and feeling tired and stuck in my life … how could I possibly take on this huge life decision right now?

Angel:  You are not living the life you want to live, so what are you going to do about it? You are going to take a risk, start an adventure, live new experiences and find your passion!

For me, the angel won the debate.

So, how do I make a decision? I use equal parts head and heart, or at least I try … and I take things one step at a time.

In this case, the heart part is going to learn Spanish as it is something I’ve been wanting to do for three or more years. The head part is making sure that it is a valuable experience, both personally and business wise for me.

How to make a decision? I think the answer is to have faith. Know that once you take that leap that you will do everything you need to do in order to make it a success. Believe in yourself.

It’s Like Falling in Love for the First Time again

April 17, 2012

Sitting on the bus at the airport waiting to find out where we would be sleeping for the night was boring and long … (Read Fire! to understand the background situation) We spent from approximately 11pm local time until 2am on the bus. Lots of people got out and walked around but most of us just hung out on the bus. Me, I started writing blogs because I was awake and didn’t want to waste my time seeing as it wasn’t like I could get any sun or any particularly restful sleep.

A stranger sat with me on the bus … the bus was full, so there was no sitting alone! As a single traveler I can look at this two ways ….

1. Oh what a pain in the ass, sitting with a stranger … worse a (slightly) drunk male stranger.


2. Oh interesting, I get to meet a new person.

I’ll admit, my first reaction was option A. What a pain in the ass. It was late at night, I’m not much of a drinker, didn’t really feel like being overly social. He spent most of his time outside, so it wasn’t a big deal.

Finally (after more than 2 hours) we got the news that we would be heading to the Arena Blanca Hotel and everyone piled back on the bus to take off.

After getting over my annoyance with the stranger who sat down and took up his own room and part of mine with his legs straddling his carry-on bag, the guy started to have a conversation and tell me that he had only been out of Nova Scotia to go to Ontario and New Brunswick. When I stopped to listen to him … he was in absolute amazement of everything around him. Everything was brand new. He had never seen a palm tree! He kept pointing things out in the dark as we traveled along on the bus that he was amazed at.

He then went on to explain that he thinks he’s addicted to travel already and he hadn’t even seen the place in the daylight!

A few minutes later he told me ‘It’s like falling in love for the first time. I’m all shake-y and excited. I just keep wondering what I’m going to see next. I don’t know how I’ll be able to handle it in the morning when I can see everything.’

This guy was close to my age and I just can’t even imagine that he had never been out of the country. Yet, he summed up my love of travel pretty quickly. “It’s like falling in love for the first time” when you see a new place, a new culture and can’t wait to see what’s just around the corner for you to experience next.

Despite the crappy beginning to this week in Punta Cana, the reminder to have an open mind and enjoy every second was clearly being thrown right at me. Thank goodness I recognized it and let the stress of the Fire! situation just float on by.