Photo Tour Testimonials

Interested in a photo tour, but want to know what others before you have said?

“Not only is Shari a great photographer, she is a fantastic teacher. I went on this tour with a very rudimentary knowledge of my camera, and now I feel quite at home using the manual settings and realize the possibilities for making my photos better. What I found interesting about focussing on photography on this tour is that it made the history and culture of Turkey more alive and vibrant because I was taking the time and effort to compose a picture, not just taking a snapshot. Would I go on another photo tour with Shari? In a heartbeat!”


– Kathy Kepkay – Turkey: Through the Lens 2015


“Shari’s enthusiasm and teachings throughout the 2015 tour gave me the knowledge and incentive to continue to improve my skills and want to take great photos.”


– Rosemary – Turkey: Through the Lens 2015


“Shari showed us how to use our eyes and minds to get a good picture despite the situation. Having my pictures reviewed made me think about the angle, the direction and the composition of the picture, which are all important aspects of learning how to improve! I had a wonderful trip and know for sure that my photography has progressed greatly.”

– Janette Fiander – Vietnam: Through the Lens 2014


“Peru Through the Lens 2012 was a fabulous combination of learning and exploring. Shari’s personal approach to working with each photographer made it easy for me to focus on specific technical areas that I wanted while encouraging all of us to learn from each other. The sites in the tour are filled with wonderful ruins, incredible scenery and spectacular people: a photographers paradise. Peru was a wonderful place for personal and technical exploration but what made the trip truly special was the wonderful bond or sense of community that Shari helped to create amongst our tour group. Truly a once in a lifetime experience.”

– Lori Cammerota – Peru Through the Lens 2012


“Peru Through the Lens gave me the oppor­tu­nity to give back to a com­mu­nity by taking family por­traits — a def­i­nite high­light of the trip for me! I also devel­oped a passion for pho­tog­ra­phy. The tips and point­ers from Shari and fellow trav­ellers were fantastic. Think­ing about what expe­ri­ence, land­scape or the person you are trying to capture in your photos makes you more aware of your sur­round­ings at a deeper level which enhanced my overall travel and cul­tural expe­ri­ence.”

— Andrea Robinson – Peru Through the Lens 2012


“Peru Through the Lens was a trip of a lifetime. I will never forget my home stay fam­i­lies, or the feeling when I first saw Machu Picchu. I would rec­om­mend this trip to anyone with a love of travel and pho­tog­ra­phy (begin­ner or pro) because it’s a once in a life­time expe­ri­ence!”

— Kristie MacDougall – Peru Through the Lens 2012

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