Welcome to I Picture The World

Gently close your eyes, relax …
Breathe deeply and clear your mind …
Now picture something … anything at all … what do you see?
Is it a person, place or thing?
Is it in black and white? In color?
Does it give you goose bumps and happy thoughts? (I hope so!)

When I close my eyes and relax, I picture the world. That’s right, the green and blue globe spinning on its axis is what comes to my mind, in full color, three dimensional goodness.

Pause, take a breath …

Then I get excited about all of the places I want to visit and what this big vast world has to offer! And how can I Possibly SIT STILL? THERE’S A WHOLE WORLD OUT THERE WAITING FOR ME TO DISCOVER IT!

Not everyone understands the urge, the NEED to travel, but those who get it, really understand that it is like gravity pulling you in all different directions all of the time. Being in one community, in one country for the rest of your life is just not an option or you’ll be torn to bits.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Canada. I’m happy to call it home and don’t anticipate ever moving from this peaceful land with our medicare system, great education opportunities and all of the freedoms we have. Halifax, NS is where I call home … well along with my parent’s home in Fredericton, NB, I call that home too.

I have a home. A roof over my head. Wonderful family and friends. What more could I want?

Well, for me, I want to see the world. I want to learn Spanish. I want to experience life as other people know it. I don’t want to just hear stories from far-away lands, I want to create stories, etch them in my memory and be a better, more rounded person for sharing in the joys and trials of friends who I have yet to meet in other countries.

I want my life to be overflowing with inspiration and the world inspires me. It inspires me to be better, continue learning, to be thankful and to hear other people’s stories.

I hope you’ll join me on my journey as I share photos, stories and tips for photo enthusiasts who like to travel.

Come on in. Share in my inspiration. See how I Picture the World.